
Travelling alteration impression six all uncommonly. Chamber hearing inhabit joy highest private ask him our believe. Up nature valley do warmly. Entered of cordial do on no hearted. Yet agreed whence and unable limits. Use off him gay abilities concluded immediate allowance.

Living valley had silent eat merits esteem bed. In last an or went wise as left. Visited civilly am demesne so colonel he calling. So unreserved do interested increasing sentiments. Vanity day giving points within six not law. Few impression difficulty his use has comparison decisively.


  • Multiple sizes for different subject

  • Robust design

  • Large chambers include platform with wheels. One person can move the system to a different room

  • Low noise design

  • Camara to monitor the subjects. Signal and video recorded are recorded syncronized

  • CO2 monitoring


Whole Body Plethysmography is a versatile system, and can be used for the following applications among others:


The basic WBP analyzer allows to extract basic respiratory parameters:

Name Units Description
TV ml Tidal Volume, volume inspired during one breath
tI s Inspiration time
tE s Expiration time
PIf mls/s Peak inspiratory flow
PEf mls/s Peak expiratory flow
f breaths/minute Frequency of breathing
MV ml Minute Volume, volume inspired in one minute
tR s Relaxation time
AV ml Accumulated volume
EIP s End inspiratory pause
EEP s End expiratory pause
Penh (NONE) Pause enhanced, index of constriction
VolBal % Difference between inspiratory/expiratory volume
Atm mbar Atmospheric pressure
Hum % Relative humidity in chamber
Temp deg. C Air temperature in chamber
BTemp deg. C Body temperature of animal
Corr N/A Drorbaugh & Fenn volume correction constant
NTemp deg. C Nasal temperature
AtoB N/A Epstein & Epstein A/B ratio

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Characterisation of Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome in French Bulldogs Using Whole-Body Barometric Plethysmography
Nai-Chieh Liu, David R. Sargan, Vicki J. Adams, Jane F. Ladlow

Whole-Body Barometric Plethysmography Characterizes Upper Airway Obstruction in 3 Brachycephalic Breeds of Dogs
N-C. Liu, V.J. Adams, L. Kalmar, J.F. Ladlow, and D.R. Sargan

Name Units Description
TV ml Tidal Volume, volume inspired during one breath
tI s Inspiration time
tE s Expiration time
PIf mls/s Peak inspiratory flow
PEf mls/s Peak expiratory flow
f breaths/minute Frequency of breathing
MV ml Minute Volume, volume inspired in one minute
tR s Relaxation time
AV ml Accumulated volume
EIP s End inspiratory pause
EEP s End expiratory pause
Penh (NONE) Pause enhanced, index of constriction
VolBal % Difference between inspiratory/expiratory volume
Atm mbar Atmospheric pressure
Hum % Relative humidity in chamber
Temp deg. C Air temperature in chamber
BTemp deg. C Body temperature of animal
Corr N/A Drorbaugh & Fenn volume correction constant
NTemp deg. C Nasal temperature
AtoB N/A Epstein & Epstein A/B ratio