Resistance and Compliance (RC) is a technique that measures respiratory flow and transpulmonary pressure to compute airway resistance and compliance. When working with large animals, the animal is anaesthetised and intubated. Depending on the species and application, the animal can be either spontaneously breathing or connected to a ventilator. It is also possible to deliver aerosol with this instrument.

Can be combined with in-line aerosol delivery for dose response studies.
Provides continuous measurement of RC.
Multiple animals can be measured simultaneously.
Possible to use tracheotomised or intubated animals.
Can be combined with cardiovascular measurements and IV administration.
Resistance and Compliance is a widely accepted measurement method for research into conditions such as asthma and lung inflammation.
The following list shows some of the parameters available:
Name | Units | Description |
TV | ml | Tidal Volume, volume inspired during one breath |
tI | s | Inspiration time |
tE | s | Expiration time |
PIf | ml/s | Peak inspiratory flow |
PEf | ml/s | Peak expiratory flow |
f | breaths/minute | Frequency of breathing |
MV | ml | Minute Volume, volume inspired in one minute |
tR | s | Relaxation time |
AV | ml | Accumulated volume |
EIP | s | End inspiratory pause |
EEP | s | End expiratory pause |
VolBal | % | Difference between inspiratory/expiratory volume |
Rl | cmH2O/ml/s | Lung Resistance |
Cdyn | ml/cmH2O | Lung Compliance |
DPpl | cmH2O | Developed pressure |
Cl | ml/s/cmH2O | Lung Conductance |
RlOffset | cmH2O/ml/s | Resistance offset for cannula etc. |
EF50 | ml/s | Expiratory flow at 50% of expired volume |
The table below shows systems for larger animals. For smaller animals, please see our Resistance and Compliance system for small animals.
References | Max Flow | Species |
ABP 030 | 60 ml/s | Rabbit |
ABP 020 | 150 ml/s | Small Primate, Cat |
ABP 010 | 350 ml/s | Cat |
ABP 100 | 1.2 l/s | Dog, Pig, Sheep |
ABP 200 | 3 l/s | Dog, Pig, Sheep |
Feasibility, effectiveness, and safety of a novel cryo-balloon targeted lung denervation technique in an animal model
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Preliminary Studies of Sulphur Mustard–Induced Lung Injury in the Terminally Anesthetized Pig: Exposure System and Methodology
S. J. Fairhall, R. F. R. Brown, B. J. A. Jugg, A. J. Smith, T. M. Mann, J. Jenner & A. M. Sciuto